Director, Senior Lecturer
ICT Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (60170).

Office: +94312299247
Mobile: +94714401041

Prof. WJSK Weerakkody graduated with a B.Sc. general degree from University of Kelaniya  in 1984. It was continued for Botany (special) as a prerequisite for registering M. Phill Degree (Microbiology & Pathology). Later M. Phill was transferred to a Ph. D. under Calgary-Kelaniya  link programme . Ph.D was awarded in 1994 by Kelaniya University for the thesis titled “ Litter and Microbial biomass dynamics in an Upper Montale Rain Forest in Sri Lanka”.

He is currently working as the Senior Lecturer of the Dept. of Plantation Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba university of Sri Lanka, lecturing for courses on Microbiology, Organic Agriculture, Environment & Forestry and Information & Communication Technology.

He serves as the Director of the ICT Centre/Makandura from the year 2001 up to date and as the Director of the LEARN representing the University from 2008 to 2017. Further he serves as the chairman of the ICTGC committee from 2007 to 2012 and a member of University technical evaluation committees from 1996 up to date. He was the proctor from 2005 to 2010 and become the Head of the Department of the Plantation Management from 2009-2012.  He served as a Wayamba University council member and further as a member in the National Education Commission. He received presidential awards for research in 2010 for two publications.

His project management experience include successful implementation of World Bank projects in the University. He was the coordinator of IRQUE block grant, Coordinator of HETC UDG and coordinator of HETC EDP projects, were funds were fully utilized for the specified purposes within the time period agreed in the project implementation plan.

He served as a co-investigator of research project funded by NARP in 2010 (Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of orthodox tea), Principal investigator of three research projects (2010-2016) funded by Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Further he is the Principal investigator of  two of four work packages and the Wayamba university coordinator of the Research project titled “Research and Capacity building for inter-sectorial private sector engagement for soil rehabilitation” funded by German Government (BMZ) through International Water management Institute

Research interests:

Organic agriculture, Waste management, Composting, Antimicrobial properties of plants,  ICT in Agriculture

Selected publications:
• Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Felix, G., Nikita Drechsel, Volker Haering, Dieter Trautz, Weerakkody,W.J.S.K., Pay Drechsel, Bernd Marschner, Dissnayaka, D.M.P.S and Vijayapala Sinnathamby, ”Impact of Fecal Sludge and Municipal Solid Waste Co-compost on Crop Growth of Raphanus sativus L. and Capsicum Anuum L. under stress Conditions”,MDPI,2017. Resources, 6-26
  2. Swarnathilaka, D.B.R., Kottearachchi,N.S., and Weerakkody W.J.S.K.,2016.”Factors Affecting on Induction of Microrhizomes in Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.),Cultivar Local from Sri Lanka”, Science Domain, 2016.British Biotechnology Journal 12(2):1-7
  3. Weerakkody,W.J.S.K, Dennis Parkinson, ” Leaf Litter Decomposition in an Upper Montane Rainforest in Sri Lanka”, Science Direct, 2006. Pedo Biologia 50:387-395
  4. Weerakkody,W.J.S.K, Dennis Parkinson, “Input, accumulation and turnover of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in surface organic layers of an upper montane rainforest in Sri Lanka”. Science Direct, 2006. Pedo Biologia 50:377-383

• Conference proceedings

  1. Grau,F.; Haering V.; Marschner B.; Weerakkody WSJK.; Trautz D. 2017. Evaluation of co-composted fecal sludge as an agricultural resource in Sri Lanka, Proceedings International Conference FSM4, Chennai, India
  2. Grau, F.; Drechsel, N.; Trautz, D.; Weerakkody, WJSK.; Ranaweera, B. 2016. Fertiliser Derived from Fecal Sludge in Sri Lanka: Analysis of Plant Nutritional Value and Heavy Metal Contamination, Proceedings International Conference Tropentag 2016, Berlin, Germany.
  3. Madhusanka, L.S., Weerasingaha, K.S., and Weerakkody, J.S.K, , 2016. “Adoption of Information Communication Technology in Cashew Sector :A Case in Puttalam District of Sri Lanka”,International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions,2016.(80-86)
  4. Herath, C.P., Weerakkody, J.S.K., and Gunarathne,W.K.T.M.,2015. “Infrastructure Factors Affection for E- Learning Practice of Students in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka”,8th International Conference on Ubi – Media Computing,2015:(196-201)
  5. Karunarathna, M.M.K,J.S.K. Weerakkody and D.S.A Wijesundara, 2006.” Lichen floral studies on Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Tree Trunk in Different Eco-regions of Sri Lanka”, Proceedings of the International Forestry and Environment Symposium, 2006. Department of Forestry and Environment science, University of Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka:110

Full CV